Located in one of the greatest piazzas in Italy Loggia dei Lanzi contains some of the best sculpture in Italy. As you stare at the David in his original location the Loggia is to your right. The David shares his location with Heracles And Cacus from Bandinelli. The Loggia contains the Rape of the Sabines, Perseus with the Head of Medusa, Ajax with the Body of Patroclus, Heracles and the Centaur, and others. It is one of the beautiful things about Italy...all of this wonderful art decorates the piazza. Not just any art, but world famous sculpture by the world's masters. The sculpture is overwhelming. Being located in Piazza Signoria you'll walk through on your 2nd or 3rd day and almost not notice it. The Loggia is named after the German bodyguards for Cosimo I. It took its name in the 16th century and has been used for Civic events. Oh, one more thing...Palazzo Vecchio is there too with the Uffizi right around the corner. Florence is a wonderful city with so much to see it will be a bit overwhelming. Take your time, enjoy every step, and don't rush it.
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