One of my favorite sights in the world the Pantheon always delivers. It doesn't matter if it is the first time you've seen it or the 1000th...the Pantheon is one of those sights that will send chills down your spine. I love and every chance I get I sit in awe of it. I go inside and enjoy the wonderful dome. I stare at Raphael's tomb reading my favorite epitaph :
Here lies Raphael. While he lived Mother Nature feared to be outdone. When he died she feared to die with him.
I don't think a cooler epitaph exists anywhere.
I feel lucky when I'm in the Pantheon and a bird is flying around the dome. It really puts it in perspective. In fact, on my video from the Pantheon you can see a bird flying around the dome towards the end of the video...cool stuff.
And remember...Marcus Agrippa built this :)
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