Today's masters came to be through great work commissioned by rich patrons and most importantly the church in Rome. Think of the collection of masterpieces you can enjoy in the Holy See. Michelangelo, DaVinci, Bernini, Raphael, Caravaggio, and many more.
Well, you may see some of our contemporary artists added to the list. The Church will be holding a good, old-fashioned, commission earning contest. The goal is to have artists refresh spiritual art. The winner will be chosen by the Holy See and a team of art critics and artists. The theme of the project will be to give the competing artists a theme like light, suffering, or death, or something more direct like David.
I'm interested to learn that the Church is looking for wealthy patrons to sponsor the artists and the artwork to the tune of $1,000,000.00 or so...maybe more. I can't wait to see who steps up.
At the end of the day we may end up with inspired work done in fresco, sculpture, mosaic, or oil.
The Church is concerned about the loss of "figuration" or the artistic rendering of religious themes or Saints that the world has come to recognize...think of David with sword in hand and head underfoot, Saint Longinus with his spear, Saint Peter with his keys, the Annunciation with Saint Gabriel and Blessed Mary.
I read the plan is to have the Church educate people on modern interpretation of these age old themes. It will be interesting to see just how flexible the Church will be at the end of the day.
I'm a huge fan of the Renaissance masters, but am excited to see what this competition yields.
I'll keep you posted on what I find out in the year to come.
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