Friday, May 1, 2009

Pronto! Using the phone in Italy

Calling Italy from the U.S. 

1.     Dial the International access code (011 in the U.S.)
2.     Dial 39, the country code for Italy
3.     Dial the 2-4 digit area code
4.     Dial the 4-8 local number
5.     011 39 02 xxx – xxx - xx


Calling Italy from Italy 

For all domestic calls dial the area code and number.  Calling from Rome to Milan simply dial 02 – xxx – xxxx.  The area code is always needed in Italy even when calling from Rome to a Rome number. 

Calling an Italian Cell Phone 

Cell phones do not have to be prefixed with a 0.  Rather than area codes cell phones use a 3 digit cellular prefix that begin with a 3.  When calling from the U.S. to an Italian cell phone dial 011 – 39 – 3xx – xxx – xxx.  When calling a cell phone from Italy to Italy dial 3xx – xxx – xxx.

 Calling the U.S. from Italy 

1.     Dial the International access code for Italy – 00
2.     Dial the country code for the U.S. – 1
3.     Dial the area code for the city you want to call (Chicago) – 312
4.     Finally dial the phone number
5.     001 – 312 – xxx – xxxx

1 comment:

Marcus, Rome Italy said...

Good post, I shall follow you on radio!